Boy was Vince smart, We are truly getting down to the nitty gritty. As you can see from our to-do list ( ignore pictures on left) we are making progress. Yesterday we installed our temporary header that we "retrieved" from our local U-Pull-And-Pay off a '92 Ford thunder bird. Yes, we know, we know, the headers are installed on the opposite sides and upside down, Truthfully one could not install them more wrong. Fortunately for us they are a perfect temp solution while we wait for the real headers in come in form back order(
Today we custom fit the radiator fan shroud to our electric fan and mounted it on the radiator, then the whole assembly in the car. Tomorrow we will be running the coolant hoses and over flow tank. We also extended the headers with some extra exhaust pipe so the flames dont shoot towards us when we fire the engine. (not pictured)