Some people might call it a case of the Mondays but those who maintain a more realist view may explain the reason we had to remove the engine and tranny today using the words "poor documentation" or " there was none at all". After our celebration Friday night we reconvened monday morning and realized the transmission was making contact with the frame. After to a call to factory five questioning this issue a response followed " Oh yeah you didnt cut off the torsion bar mount at the back of the transmission?, It says so in the appendix under the big block section". Well it might as well have not been there because we're not even using a big block.... thus it never occured to us to check it out. Anyways we pulled the engine and tranny today, sawed the offending alumium off the back of the transmission, slid it back in, tightened everything down, fixed the e brake braket, and made some alumiuim spacers, got a new waterpump.
oh, sorry that you didn't see my comment from Saturday...I was afraid that, that might happen with the torsion bar mount. Guess that I should have contacted you on Friday.
When will you be done ?? I am def coming in !
Oh gosh I always take your advice for granted dear aunt. Oh well, I guess I'll know for next time.
Love your blogg.....I don't know anything about cars but I find your writing and pictures fascinating....keep up the posting. Reminds me of journaling in the"olden days". I can still visualize your dad when he and Gary were going out to the garage working on their TRs .....
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