Monday, June 9, 2008

Day 2 - "Beefy"

First a little background on the title, As our wonderful truck driver ( as seen in yesterdays blog) unloaded the boxes from the semi and would hand us them, if they qualified as heavy in his mind, then he would announce the description "beefy" as the transaction took place. Coupled with his accent this became very comical after 8 or 9 times.

Today was filled with lots of driving all over town collecting needed supplies such as an Shiny new air riveter from Granger Industrial Supply and a 4 x 8 sheet of particle board for the body buck. We assembled the body buck ( A temporary wooden structure used to place the body on) from two 4x4's and that particle board mentioned earlier. Then the body was unbolted from the frame and placed onto the buck for storage. Sounds like small tasks but trust us it was a lot of work and thankfully, visual progress. The frame now sits naked ready for assembly.

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